FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Saturn 1.00 released!

Hi guys,

We've just released FabFilter Saturn, our brand-new multi-band distortion and saturation plug-in. For more details about Saturn, check out www.fabfilter.com/products/saturn , or download a trial version from www.fabfilter.com/download


Floris (FabFilter)

Thank you for the new plugin guys!

On thing: on the online help the "Knobs" and the "Interactive multiband display" sections are exactly the same. You may already know this.



Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for reporting this issue with the help file! We're going to fix it right away :-)


Floris (FabFilter)

... now fixed in the online help file:

Frederik (FabFilter)

Hello Frederik and Floris

The Saturn PDF manual has the same issue I'm afraid.



Ah! Fixed that one right away also! :-)

Thanks for reporting this!

Floris (FabFilter)

Wow, this is an amazing plugin. I love it, so usable from minor mastering tweaks to major audio destruction. Great work Fabfilter!


Leafcutter John


A billion thanks, FabFilter!!!!

I wanted you guys to come up with a distortion/colouring plugin and this has knocked my socks off!!! Miles beyond my expectations!

I F****** LOVE IT!!!!!


Thanks again for a fantastic tool. I bought this 15 minutes after I read the launch email. I have 6 other tape/ tube saturation plugins, but I know that yours is still worth my money with 10 minutes of trial. Regular FabFilter excellence.

(BTW - I see that the multiband capability of Saturn brings you another step closer to the FF plugin I must have: a multiband, sidechain, mid/side compressor. Hope you eventually build one.)


I just wanted to congratulate you guys on the new website look. It is very sexy, as is Saturn which I cannot wait to try out.

Thanks for the new plugin, it's always refreshing and inspiring to have a new toy for playing around.


Thanks! :-)

Frederik (FabFilter)

Wow impressive!

I hope a reverb since a while but this new MBdistortion gonna be really usefull!



I'm already in love with it...

In my opinion Saturn is a great sounding, very flexible plugin for a very low price!!!

Thank you FF for another usefull, top quality tool!


Great plugin!

Unfortunately the VST3-Version does not support Automap yet just as Timeless, Volcano and Micro. I hope this will be fixed in a future update.


Just tried the demo...this is easily the most flexible saturation/distortion plug I've seen.

Any chance of a sort of 'fattening' algo added in (see Antress's ModernAnaloguer for what I mean here - it adds some kinda saturationey stuff that I can't seem to achieve in Saturn at the moment...maybe I just need to try harder?)

Also a solo mode for each band would be very useful, as would some sort of pre-distortion shaping (e.g. boost some mids before distortion, cut the same mids post-distortion).

I nice trick I've found is to set the algo to be one of the 'amp' types (which sound like they have cabinet IRs involved), and just apply it to frequencies <200Hz - instant fat but tight low end.

I LOVE what this plug does to DI bass tracks.

Phenomenal, as always. As soon as I can afford it, fabfilter will be making some more money outta me :)


Absolutely love this plugin demoed it all day and will be buying it come pay day :D

Question. Will we see more algorithms added in updates ? Im finding a lot of them sound very similar for instance with a slight tweak of the tone section you can get the warm and clean tape/tube settings to sound rather similar. This is in no way a criticism i totally hear the difference and love every thing about this plugin would just be really nice for a few more drastically different sounding algorithms

again so good love it !


I'm also having a lot of fun with Saturn! I do have one request though. Could we get a way to disable the cabinet IRs or whatever is cutting the high end on the AMP types? It would make Saturn more useful with amp sims like Guitar Rig or Amplitube. I'm envisioning Saturn as the ultimate distortion/overdrive pedal, but with the amp types the way they are, it makes Saturn unusable with guitar amps.

Adam D

Agreed! I really want to see the amp distortion types without the cabinet emulation. This would make Saturn the ultimate front end to a dedicated amp sim like guitar rig or similar.

I'm pretty sure this will be added at some point in an update as it has been requested by several people during the beta.

It's amazing how good Saturn can sound as an amp-sim on it's own too! Here's a little demo:




Really likeing Saturn. Will be buying as soon as I can afford.

Would love to see a clipping algorithm introduced, like Logic's Clip Distortion.

Cheers - Pete



Pre and post resonant multimode filters would be awesome as well.

And what about a Serial or Multiband mode?


Hi FabFilter,

I own ProC,-L,-Q and FF Twin , because you are one of very few companies that create inovative and fast forward audio software tools. So I tested the Saturn and as I expected it is a really great tool. But there is one thing I donĀ“t like: when you activate the multiband-band-mode you can hear the crossovers working. To avoid that, it would be great to add a linear-phase-crossover-mode, especially when you are using it on complex signals/entire mixes. Just a little "think-about", no critism !

Really like your stuff!



Bought Saturn the day is was released and tested so far, and I must report that you cannot add a new band when the volume of a band is set at maximum, the volume line overlaps the "+" symbol.

The plugin is exceptionally well thought, it is a dream for people who like to fine-tune sounds, but I must join some people upper who finds the algorithms a little "too nice and similar"... some more trashy sounds could be appreciated :p
I consider Saturn as an overdrive in my setup so I'm fine with it, but maybe you can take this as an advice / feature request.

And I have a feature request too : what about adding separate outputs for all 6 bands ? That would make Saturn and incredibly cool routing/overdriving tool !!


Thought I'd just drop in and say that I've just used this on two mixes to give the bass some more grunt - it's incredible. Normally I hit some SERIOUS gain reduction on my bass compressor (I do a lot of extreme metal) - like sometimes up to 20dB or more...for these two mixes I needed ~3dB of GR, Saturn did the rest.

I set a low band to Warm Tape, a mid band to Smooth Amp, and left the top end in bypass, smashed the drive up to full on both distortion bands, adjusted level to suit, and wow...smooth, creamy, thick bottom end, with some growly, gnarly stands-up-nicely-in-a-dense-mix mids, without destroying the high end transients. It sounds like an SVT2 on steroids.

This thing will be going on all my bass tracks as a go-to from now on.

Incredible, well done FF!


Hi guys!

Thanks a lot for all your complements and feature requests! We're listening, and we'll consider everything for a future minor update of course!

Thanks again,

Floris (FabFilter)

Another person absolutely loving this plugin - must add a +1 for the soloing of each band though!

Keep up the excellent work guys - well done!


On Mac OSX Live 8 I cannot see a mono AU or VST.

Is it supposed to appear? I only have the stereo version showing up.


Hi Dazzer,

Yes, that's correct. Since both stereo and mono versions are within the same plug-in file, hosts choose or show the appropriate format according to the configuration of the track you're inserting the plug-in on... and in Ableton, all tracks are stereo by default (correct me if I'm wrong!), and it doesn't give you the option to insert a mono version...

Floris (FabFilter)

Got it. Thanks Floris. Awesome plug-in!

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