FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 upgrade

I posted about this yesterday too, but it didnt show up on the forum.
I am very interested in buying Twin 2 but since its been 3 years since the last version, Id like to know if you are working on an update or new synth. If there is an upgrade, how much will it cost?
I dont want to be in a position where I buy Twin 2 today, and Twin 3 comes out in like a month, and I have to pay for the upgrade.


Hi Marlon,

We don't have any major Twin 2 upgrades planned at the moment... but as you can see from its Readme file we do minor updates and bug fixes several times a year to keep it current.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks, and do you have any new synth planned? Like how Twin was to One, a new synth that could maybe make twin redundant? Sorry for shootinf off so many questions.


Not at this point...


Frederik (FabFilter)
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