FabFilter User Forum

time signature in delay section of fabfilter twin is wrong

fabfilter twin , time signature in delays is wrong .
Where it says it is 1 note it is actually playin a quarter note 1/4 .
One half note is actually generating n 1/8 .note


no one noticed ?
just selected a whole note in the delay section and the same in fabfilter timmeles , you' ll notice they have a different timing , fabfilter twin's timing is wrong


HI Ward,

We'll investigate! Thanks for reporting this...

Floris (FabFilter)

"no one noticed ?"

I did! ;)

Funny but it seems that nobody cares about the issue, I also couldn't find anything on the internet about it except this post. Unbelievable!


I can definitely confirm the problem. I think we'll solve it by changing the text in the interface; we can't change the syncing behavior unfortunately because that would break existing presets/sessions.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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