FabFilter User Forum

Uninstalling on Lion

Hey, I lion seems to be hiding any of the files in the Library folder that allow me to uninstall the fabfilter. How do i do it ?!!! It's driving me crazy.


i'm trying to get the demo off my computer and there's no way i can find to remove it. this is ridiculous.


Hi Mark,

To show the system Libary folder on OS X Lion, try this: tarastips.net/2011/05/show-hidden-library-folder-in-mac-osx-lion

To uninstall the plug-ins from a Mac, you can simply delete the specific FabFilter plug-in files at the following locations:

/Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins
/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins

Finally, if you also want to delete all data written by our plug-ins, you can remove the following folders as well:

~/Library/Audio/Presets/FabFilter/FabFilter <plug-in name>
~/Library/Application Support/FabFilter/<plug-in name>
~/Library/Preferences/com.fabfilter.<plug-in name>.<version number>.plist


Floris (FabFilter)

Hi, I tried the same but it's still not totally deleted when i deleted all these files:( Is there an uninstall dmg file?

Thanks in advance




This didn't work for me either. There is nothing in any of the Plug-Ins folder to delete. I deleted everything from the Presets folder but it made no difference.



Hi guys,

What didn't work exactly? Is the plug-in still shown by your DAW?

Floris (FabFIlter)

In the plugins folder there are no files in components, Digidesign & VST... But when Im using ableton and go to the plugins prefrences i can look into the same VST folder and it contains all the fabfilter files, Kontakt, Massive etc.. but they are light grey and I cannot access them.. Is there a way to make the files viewable in Library/Audio/Plugins/VST???


The files do not appear where you say they are. How do we COMPLETELY remove the files to not have them show up in Ableton?


These are the locations that our installer uses. There is nothing else that we write on the system.

Most likely Live caches the information itself even though the plugins have been removed. Have you tried Rescan in Live's Preferences dialog (Folder tab)?


Frederik (FabFilter)

The problem is, that theres nothing installed at those folders:

/Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins
/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins

Only the presets are saved in the library. So theres no chance at all to reach the installed data and delete them (OSX 10.8.2 here)

Can you please give us the names of the installed files? Had no luck using keywords like 'timeless' etc in finder (even in 'showhiddenfiles-mode')


Hi John,

Is it possible you're looking at your user's Library folder? There are two Library folders, one in the root, and one in your user folder:

/Users/<your name>/Library

Our plugins are installed in the root library folder. To get here, navigate to Macintosh HD first, then to Library. If you can't see it, open a terminal window and type:

chflags nohidden /Library


Frederik (FabFilter)

So guys, did you sort out this problem...

Super annoying thing


Do not understand why it's still in my Ableton


Same problem here, tried everything above and still showing in Live's list of plugins.
Is there a fix for this?


Weird... try to do a forced scan of the plugin folder in Live.

Preferences->File/Folder->hold Alt & click rescan at the same time.



I've tried a forced scan before but still the same.

Vst folder is ok, they have gone from there.

It's the Audio Units / Components that are still showing in Live.


Seems like an OS X AU problem, maybe try trashing the AU cache?



Thanks Bram, tried this but still showing.


I Tried this too, those instructions don’t work. there should be an easy way to uninstall this


If Live is still showing the AU plug-ins, check these folders:
/Users/<your user name>Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/


Frederik (FabFilter)
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