FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 waveform


I'm new to Twin 2 and I'm using the demo and starting to like it. However after checking vst oscilloscope I've noticed that when loading the clean preset and then removing the extra at the bottom, using 1 osc, the triangle looks likes a sine waveform on my oscilloscope, the square does not really looks like a square and the sawtooth is a bit curve.
Is this normal ?


Hi Dave,

Yes, that is "as-designed". First of all, band-limited wave forms don't necessary look like their unlimited counterparts when you look at the samples. Also, we modeled our oscillator after classic 70s analog synths, which don't have ultra-clean wave forms, but do sound terrific! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

So how does it sound?

Now, that's what I'm talkin'about baby! :)

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