FabFilter User Forum

Multiband Pro-C

So here's what I'm thinking for the Pro-C. Of course you guys need a multi band compressor, but I don't think it's needs to be a separate plug-in. Instead, approach the Pro-C like the Pro-Q and have one set of compressor controls that apply to the selected band. The user can have one, two or as many bands as they want, with a nice display of the spectrum and all the currently created bands at the top or bottom of the plug-in. Keep the Pro-Q aesthetic of having each band represented by a different color.

This would be fantastic, IMHO and would not bloat your product line with unnecessary products. Instead it can make the Pro-C even better and a more complete dynamics tool.

Cheers guys,

Love this stuff!

Richard Nash,
Los Angeles

Richard Nash



yes pleassse!!!

Benjamin Power

If you're already using the Pro-C and the Pro-Q, then why would you need a multiband? Focus on mixing things down better and a multi-band shouldn't be necessary.


somehow my last post was not posted...

anyway, in short:
1:if FF plans a multiband- it would be nice to merge it in the pro-c instead of making a new plug for it.
2. Quite happy with my mixes nowadays, seldomly use multiband but am interested using it as a creative tool.

please excuse my concise text- not in the mood to repeat myself;)


I agree with the fact that a multiband compressor is overrated and pretty much useless..

Good mixing with good eq's and compressors is better and more efficient..

You can't polish a turd..

Multi band compressors are overrated!


don't think that they are useless..
scenario: you receive a mixdown, single wav.

instead of using many eqs and many compressors, you can just use one plug to treat the frequency bands that need it.

anyway, whatever floats whoevers boat;)

p.s. A polished turd CAN sound pretty nice btw;)


@ qqc: you don't need a multiband comp to do that. Also its use as an "effect" (whatever that means, a compressor is an effect in general yes) can be done through multiple regular compressors with side-chain bands... its not that hard to figure out. My problem is finding a musical context in which one has (if ever) used a multi-band comp?! I could imagine one relying on one for audio in movie post production (a lot), but thats about it. I'm honestly a bit curious if there is any rare example of a multi-band used in a musical instance that could not be done with say Pro-c


there are (few) instances where I have used a multiband comp to change the *flow* of the highs or for bass management purposes.
and, i would prefer to use one plug instead of many...
anywho, i have MBcomps in a couple of sequencers that i use. (C6 & live) so its not a top priority. but, as i stated above, if FF plans a MB, why not merge it into pro-c;)
I like FF stuff. i prolly wont use a FFmb in Cubby as the visual representation is very user friendly, but i would in live;)


Your plugins are very high level for music, but... I also need a multiband comp.
Please do it


to qqc and everyone else: plz have pity and disregard for my comments as the revelation of a multi-comps main use just hit me square in the face. Sorry everyone, EPIC FAIL by me. Now I want a multi-band comp!!!


I'd love a Multiband pro-C.

I think multiband compression can be really useful when applied appropiately.

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