FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Lemur Templates?

Has (or can) anyone make a suite of FabFilter templates for the Jazzmutant Lemur? Aditionally, a Max for Live patch that integrates the FF plugs and Live with feedback to the interface would be sweet.

Sorry in advance for posting this if it's regarded as spam... not my intent. Hopefully others in this community would have use for it!

Jordan Stoner


Also very interested on FabFilter Lemur templates, especially FabFilter Pro-Q :)

There are already quite nice template out there.
As my love goes with Reaper, I found a great suite with Lemur template and Reaper script.
Found on Reaper Forum: forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=98673

It controls all FabFilter plugs parameters through an unique "channel strip" Lemur template and with various knobs/faders.
Each parameters has a proper name and value display.
But it is quite hard to precisely make value changes.

The FabFilter plugin interface is so great and efficient at work, I just dream about a nice design signature on Lemur community.



Oh and there is already a lovely interface with the Auria app!!!
Much more than a Lemur template.
See: www.fabfilter.com/forum/1740/fabfilter-on-ipad-auria

I would love to have this kind of Lemur experience, running audio processes on ipad is also not priority for me (just running ipad v1).


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