FabFilter User Forum

I don't know how to use the pro-l

Hye there!

First, excuse my english, i'm french and have learn english in movie so if you don't understand what you read let me know.

Ok, i use pro-q and pro-c, this are very good plugins like all the ff suite, i have buy the pro-l when he come out whithout test it but now, i can't use it because he always distort the signal when he limit.

I usually use a limiter in tracking to have a constant level in my sub/bass track, so i put the pro-l in insert, start to push the gain up and when the gain reduction start, it look like i'm using distortion, what am i doing wrong?

I use a limiter also after the mixdown to push the level up and same thing when the gain reduction start, my signal become dirty, what am i doing wrong?!

I used to have the sonalksys maxlimit and it don't work the same as the pro-l, in maxlimit i used to diminuate the threashold and leave the output gain to 0 and the level goes up and up and up whithout distortion, i used to put the i-xsm from ssl which tell me when it drive in digital and let the signal clip in analogique, but now with the intersample meter of the pro-l warn me directly when the gain reduction start.

I really don't understand how it work, i precise that if i'm in loudness war, i always up the level a little to a little and never go 5db to 5db.

So if someone understand and can help me, it would be very, very nice.

Thanks for reading! (and if you don't understand, tell me)


There is a tutorial video on the product-page of Pro-L. Everything necessary is explained there.

Here is the direct link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7PYjalQ2vQ

Chris L.


Also make sure to check the (online) manual here at www.fabfilter.com/help/pro-l and make sure to read the sections about the Expert features thoroughly.

It sounds like your pushing the limiter a lot, while using very fast release and look-ahead times. This will surely cause some distortion, especially apparent on low frequencies like sub bass...


Floris (FabFilter)


I have read the manual but maybe to fast...

You are right, i use it with minimum release and minimum lookahead, i have tweak the knob but don't ear lot difference so in fact i use the drum'n'bass preset.

Maybe i should tweak it a little more.

I'm gonna see this today and tell you if i'm ok with this.

Thanks for the reply!



Thank you, it seems to be ok with a bit more lookahead, i don't understand the intersample meter but i use the ssl i-xsm instead, not a good solution but...

Thank again!


Hi Diamond D,

... you can read more about Inter Sample Peaks in the help file, at the bottom of the Metering topic, here: www.fabfilter.com/help/pro-l/using/metering.html :-)


Floris (FabFilter)

This is how i use Pro-L in a current techno project:

I have subgroups/channels for Drums&percs/FX/Synths/Samples/Hats in Cubase 5. Each group goes to THE LAST GROUP BEFORE THE MASTER FADER, and I only have Pro-L inserted on this group channel.

The Pro-L settings are as follows:

Gain: 0(I crank mixer faders and compressors up instead of using the Pro-L gain)
Lookahead: 1ms
Attack: 1ms
Release: 150ms
Channel linking: Default, no need
Oversampling: 4x Essential for a clean non clipping signal, you can use the ISP button the make sure there is no clipping, but using your ears will also do fine, crank the group faders/compressors a little down when distortion comes up)
Dither/noise shaping: Off/no need
OUTPUT LEVEL: Now this is essential, I always have it set to -0,1db, which is a nice setting to use with the settings above, and prevents the singal sent to the master fader from clipping(unless you push levels REAL HARD).

So that's it, this gives me excellent results when using the Punchy preset of Pro-L. I personally never touch the Gain slider of Pro-L, cause setting individiual group faders of the Cubase mixer, and setting up individual compressor Pro-C settings/parameters on those group channels give me much mure flexibility, possibilities and dimension in sound!

Good luck!


Just bought Pro-L. When using 4x Oversampling Sonar X1B .255 (64 bit) audio engine crashes a lot.

Any idea what i could do to improve this?!

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