FabFilter User Forum


Now that you have added look ahead and oversampling to the Pro-G i am wondering if these features will be added to the Pro-C in the future. I know it has been asked by a few people ( myself included ) in the past and the answer was not a definate yes or no....



I, too, am interested in this topic. Wouldn't fast attack/release time benefit from oversampling?


Adding lookahead and oversampling to Pro-C is indeed a good idea! We'll see what the future brings :-)


Floris (FabFilter)

I came to this forum with this very question. I'm considering buying the mastering bundle (Pro-L, Pro-Q, Pro-C. Pro-L and Q there is no question about it, but Pro-C seems outdated without these features. Though I've been looking at The Glue by Cytomic because it sounds great with oversampling, I'll honestly probably get Pro-C because of it's great interface; second to none. Pretty please add oversampling to Pro-C.


Let me put the question on the other side of the medal:

What situations/problems in projects while using Pro-C made you desire look ahead and oversampling added to it?

Cause I never really ran into problems with Pro-C with those settings..

But offcourse, it would be nice and make the plugin even more advanced than it allready is..


feed-back / feed-forward compression switch would be nice too
feed-back compression adds some different/old school flavor to the sound.



2015 looms near, and still - four years on - some of us yearn for Lookahead as a finishing touch to the superb ProC compressor!

My daily work is solo voice narration, without music, and it shows up the slightest overshoot. Half a millisecond attack does not quite do it.

My get around is to compress the track backwards: the gentler wavefront enables the ProC to catch all k's and t's, and it avoids that little pip on vowels that spoils transparency. This way you can actually squeeze another 2dB of loudness if you want, before beginning to sound processed. That works well on some music too, though not all.

But, oh, I would like to run ProC in a normal direction!

Howard Ellison

Pro-C needs a serious overhaul...I find myself having to resort to other compressors when Pro-C isn't doing the job needed... lookahead, shorter attack time, bigger GUI for christ sakes!!!!!!, variable knee, better compression algorithms suited to sidechaining are my primary concerns.


The way I see things, Pro-C 2 should be the highest priority on FF agenda.


Hi guys,

All very valid requests. There will definitely be a Pro-C 2 in the future!

Floris (FabFilter)

Round of applause overdue on this thread: ProC2 did come into being, seems to have taken all the points here on board and is, of course, superb. Congrats and thanks to Floris and FF team.

Howard Ellison

Thanks Howard! Much appreciated! :-)

Floris (FabFilter)
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