FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 crashed Cubase 5.5.2


when i want to load my Cubase project it crashed down when it comes to load the Twin 2. i have no explanation for that. here is a little bit of my log-file:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 14124985 01:000A3985 J:\Cubase 5\VST3\FabFilter Twin 2.vst3

EAX=0bb8d438 ECX=00000010 EDX=00000000 EBX=0bb8d438 ESI=0af85bd0 EDI= 00000002
EBP=00000000 EIP=14124985 ESP=0013f56c CS= 0000001b SS= 00000023 Flags=00210216
DS= 00000023 ES= 00000023 FS= 0000003b GS= 00000000

Float Save:
Control Word= ffff027f Status Word= ffff4020 Tag Word=ffffffff
Error Offset= 00f91819 Error Selector=059e001b
Data Offset= 22765430 Data Selector= ffff0023
Cr0NpxState= 00000000

i hope you can help me. thanks
bye _marshMellow


If you can reproduce the crash with this Cubase project, please e-mail a link to us with the Contact link at the bottom of this page so we can have a look at the problem.


Frederik (FabFilter)

thank you for your help, Frederik.

i have solved my first problem in the meantime. the solution was crazy. i need to be started the Twin 2 for one time as a VST-instrument in Cubase. before, i couldn't start Timeless 2 + Volcano 2 as a VST3 in the instrument track, too. but the problem was only with the VST3-Plugin. the vst2-Plugins running without a problem. and now i have another problem, only with the VST3-Plugin, too. i can reproduce it. always when i load Cubase and my Novation Controller ZeRO SL MkII is on, than crashes Cubase down. if i turn off my controller, then Cubase load without a problem. the logfile from Cubase shows
once more, that it must be a relationship with the Twin 2 VST3. look at this:
Call stack:
Address Frame
77DAD7D9 0013EB28 RegSetValueExW+72
137CB5B1 0013EBC8 0001:0008A5B1 J:\Cubase 5\VST3\FabFilter Twin 2.vst3
137D32F6 0013EDEC 0001:000922F6 J:\Cubase 5\VST3\FabFilter Twin 2.vst3
1378ECB9 0000000F 0001:0004DCB9 J:\Cubase 5\VST3\FabFilter Twin 2.vst3

but before it is a little bit different in the fault adress:
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 77DAD7D9 01:0000C7D9 H:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll

i hope my english is good enough, that you understand me.

bye _marshMellow

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