FabFilter User Forum

Timeless2 - Pitch down everyrepeat

Hi, can someone explain how to pitch lower and lower every repeat of a delay?
In my current project, i have a spoken word that is echoed through Timeless2 (it is repeated 10 times in synch with the BPM of the project), and i'd like to have it pitched down a little bit more for each repeat. I've played with an XLFO but wasn't able to produced this type of effect.
Thanks for your help


Hi Daster,

For this, you will need to set the algorhytm to "tape" (in between the delaytime knobs). Then, make the delay time longer on every delay. You could do this with an envelope generator, or a "inverted saw" XLFO. Or you could even make a stepped XLFO (like a descending stairs).
Be shure to restart the LFO or EG with midi for every new sound you send in.

Note that every delay will not only be lower, but also take longer, so the delays will not stay matched in a beat. If this is important, I don't know of any delay plugin that does live pitch shifting (which is what you need), so I think you wil need to manually "fake" a delay in your sequencer.


Hi Bas, thank you very much for your useful tips.


If you run logic pro i think you can control the pitch for each tap using Logic's delay designer plugin.

Jerry Mander

it's certainly not the same as what the op was after, but what about using a feedback loop in your daw?

you could use multiple tracks routing the audio from timeless into some kind of a pitch shift effect set to -x semitones, then back to timeless and so on..

it's bit of work but it should yield some interesting results


Isn't this exactly the kind of pattern one might expect from a preset? I have to say I use Timeless (and Volcano) less and less frequently because of my growing impression that the presets have been created randomly by a robot with no experience of human music.

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