FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter twin changing preset

I am having an issue with Fabfilter 2 switching presets when I start and stop a song. It changes sound preset on introduction of the programmed midi notes in Ableton. I don't have any issues with any other VST's doing this.

Please see the pic. The bottom left shows the sund chosen but when you open it up you see another preset that it switches to


Hi Art,

Most likely Twin 2 is receiving a program change MIDI message that causes it to switch presets. Can you review your MIDI events to make sure there are no program changes?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you, someone pointed that out as well as the cause. I did not write the midi itself, will have to figure it out. I tried Fabfilter 2 on a song I wrote from the ground up and it is fine. ty for your time.

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