FabFilter User Forum

We need faster envelopes

Fabfilter twin needs faster envelopes , now the fastest decay stage in fabfilter is 30 ms, thats way to long for snappy sounds .
Faster envelopes please .
This is the only thing holding me back from buying , I have fabfilter one and really want to buy twin 2 , the only thing that's holding me back are the slow envelopes ., add some shape curves or something
They don't SNAP , if you understand what I mean


I completely agree. They need more snap to them


It's definitely something we will improve in the future!


Floris (FabFilter)

I downloaded the demos of timeless and volcano and it seems that the envelope generator ( for external midi triggering ) have a decay time of 0.000 seconds
So if they can do it , I am sure twin can .
I own fabfilter one , I bought it for it's 5th anniversary and still love it,the long decay doesn't really bother me at all , but in the case of twin , which is a real powerhouse , feature and soundwise really needs improvement in the envelope area .
SNAP ...envelopes ...





Good point! High on the feature request list already! :-)

Floris (FabFIlter)

Thank you for the "High" on the list.


I concur, faster envelopes.


Yikes, it's been requested since 2011? I would like to see this as well, for the same reason. The amp envelope can have a shorter decay..

I'm sure you guys will get it done, but the sooner the better, as it doesn't seem like it should be that difficult. But, as a programmer, I understand that things aren't always what the client thinks it "seems" like it should be :)

Claude DeFaren

The thing is that we can't easily change the envelope behavior without breaking existing songs.

We have lots of ideas for a better EG in a future version of Twin, but we really want to do it right this time and not go for a half-baked solution that we would regret later on. Hope you understand!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Ah, absolutely. That makes sense. I've been getting by just fine with the current EG as is though, and I have to tell you all I'm TOTALLY impressed with Twin 2. Bought it on a whim because of the discount I had available, and have never been more happy with a synth purchase. It's literally all I use anymore.

Can I ask what are some features and/or changes you expect in a possible Twin 3 (if such a thing is on your list?) A filter per oscillator would be nice :)

Claude DeFaren

"The thing is that we can't easily change the envelope behavior without breaking existing songs."

Juat call it Twin3, and with no backwards compatibility. Then old songs just load the older version, no weirdness.

Since we're on the topic, let's not forget an honourable mention for curves. Definatley sorely missed


Hi Greg,

A Twin 3 version is exactly what we're aiming at! And it will surely feature improved EG curves and much more :-)


Floris (FabFIlter)
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