FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 Midi Out

I'm having a bit of trouble with the Twin synth. I use it within ableton, controlling it with a midi keyboard which has endless controllers with LED rings. I use these to control filter, attack, decay etc.

This all works great, but the communication seems to be only one way. I can control the parameters, but changing them with the mouse (or loading another preset with different settings) does not communicate back to the led rings. When trying to "tap" midi from the synth while controlling the parameters with the mouse, it shows nothing is being sent out.

Am I correct? Does Twin 2 lack a midi out?

In this case I would like to add it to the feature request. And also a midi dump on new preset (to update my led rings when selecting a new preset).

A very neat option for the midi out would be to be able to control other soft- or hardware with Twin's LFO's. Because Ableton really lacks this option now - nice added bonus.

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