FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q Feature Request

I'd love if you could select minimum or linear phase on a per band basis in Pro-Q. Already thought about how it should be implemented. Whatever linear phase quality mode you are in you'd have an option to turn a band to minimum phase essentially making the linear phase modes capable of both linear or minimum phase. Zero latency (minimum phase only) mode with have this option greyed out. You could put a selection box below the filter type box. The new Sonoris mastering EQ can do this and it is awesome. Would love it if Pro-Q could do the same. Thanks.


Hi Joey,

Great suggestion, we'll note it for future updates! Of course, for now, you can always use two Pro-Q instances in series: one set to to zero-latency and one set to linear-phase.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Dual spectrum viewer too!!!
I work with apequalizer, and like proQ, but need to see real-time response in mid and side.

thanks a lot!!!c

Abel nT

Two things that I would LOVE in Pro-Q:

1. Adjustable options for the analyser - mainly speed, but block size and dB scale adjustments would be nice too. And as someone else mentioned, being able to see traces for both channels on the analyser (i.e. L & R have separate traces). At the moment I have to use Voxengo's SPAN in series with Pro-Q.
2. Ability to choose "Tilt" as a band's type as well as the usual bell/low cut/etc etc.

These would be the final icing on the cake - it's an already great plug, but adding these options would take this thing into new territory (I can't think of any other EQs that would have all these features).

Keep up the good work.


I am completely against this request as it would unnecessarily convolute this plug-in and probably take just as much processing power to implement it than to leave it out. I am also against the Analyzer Options...It seems streamlined to give a good presentation of frequencies without the peaks falling unattractively and distractingly fast, yet you are able to distinguish between everything.



Regarding my request and your response. Not true at all. Think about it as adding minimum phase bands to the linear phase modes. It would not makes things more convaluted at all. Linear phase modes would run with the same processing power and latency but you'd simply be able to turn a band to the less processor hungry minimum phase mode if you needed and wanted too.


Note though that the linear phase mode in Pro-Q is not very processor-intensive. However, some types of filtering (e.g. low frequency peaks with high Q) need a long latency to work correctly and in this case it could be useful to switch only those bands to minimum phase mode.


Frederik (FabFilter)

The analyser features (pre-EQ/Post-EQ) are very nice :-)

But i also would like to have input and output level meters and an input level knob like the Pro-C has.

That would be very useful :-)



Miguel Vasconcellos

Note that Pro-Q does not distort no matter how hard you drive it, so there is no need for an input gain or input level.

We will consider an output level indicator though because it appears to be necessary on Pro Tools HD systems to avoid clipping later on.


Frederik (FabFilter)

What is the status on the adjustable options for the analyzer. For me speed and block size would be enough. At the moment i prefer the analyzer in eQuality but far prefer Pro-Q as EQ.

Frank Hoekzema

It's on the to do list! We don't have a specific release date for a Pro-Q update planned right now, but it shouldn't take too long.


Frederik (FabFilter)

looking forward to this update!


Any word? I like new things. Thanks.


Coming up soon! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)
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