FabFilter User Forum

Design suggestion

On the top left of all your plugins there is an off centered skewed little stamp with the logo, name of company and name of plugin....

I hope in a future update you will remove it and bring a new cleanness to your software.

Most people will not need a constant visual reminder of what plugin they are using and the distraction of having it there can only hurt.

Paper Cups

I have never found this to be an issue. You might as well ask to remove the Fender logo from a Strat's headstock.

Jordan Stoner

It would be so easy to remove, and the end result would be a cleaner and less distracting GUI and I can't imagine how you could argue against that as a fact.

Paper Cups

I have to agree with Jordan Stoner here. The logo does not distract me either, and I don't feel it is cluttering the interface.

Akazi Shabur

I think that the logo doesn't flow with the 'minimalist' design of their plugins. It's noticeable, but when I'm using my plugins all of my focus is on my ears.

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