FabFilter User Forum

major gui issue with proQ volca volcano &volcano

GUI is not updating when moving the mouse & dragging parameters, so sweeping the eq across is very very jerky infact its just frozen until the mouse stops moving only the knobs switches & menu work fine.

this is a problem in live 8.0.3
in both xp 64 & 7 win7 64
Im assuming this could be an issue with gfx driver (latest nvdia driversinstalled for gforce 8800), fyi simplon works fine.


ha just noticed something very odd, its only a problem if the plug is highlighted (with blue hand)if i just select the spanner without actualy selecting the plug to bring the gui up its fine although now the knobs & analyzer are jerky when using the interactive display. usable till fixed.


Hi Neil,

Thanks for reporting this issue! We'll try to reproduce it and see what's going on here...


Floris (FabFilter)

ok seems this is a problem with ableton live 8.0.3 as just tried cableguys filtershaper demo & get the same problem.


no sorry jumped the gun the cableguys filtershaper plugin is fine.


This seems to be something to do with automap, im using slmk2 & latest automap pro. The blue hand is from automap, so whatever thats focused on is causing the problem.

Will contact them.

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