FabFilter User Forum

Model Pro-Q As 3-band DJ Mixer?

I'm trying to model the Pro-Q after the popular DJM-800 mixer from Pioneer. I know the freq's:

-26 ~ +6 dB @ 70Hz
Mid frequency
-26 ~ +6 dB @ 1kHz
high Frequency
-26 ~ +6 dB @ 13kHz

I've set these as bells w/ a Q of 1, but it just doesn't seem to sound right. I tried setting the high's & low's as shelfs, but sounds even worse.

Anyone got any tips!?


Hi darkMatter,

Every hardware or software implementation of an EQ might use slightly different curves or settings; just copying the parameters from your Pioneer to Pro-Q or any other EQ, will not work.

Also, with most hardware consoles you can't actually rely on the knob settings - probably, the actual EQ-ing that is applied will be slightly different from what the knobs tell you.

The best way to match the settings is... well... by ear :-) Another way could be to measure/analyze the EQ-ing that is applied by the DJM-800 and then try to match the results with Pro-Q...


Floris (FabFilter)

Hi there,

Following on from this topic, is there anyway to emulate the pioneer hi / low pass filters as they seem really powerful on Pioneer (maybe adding some resonance and colour somehow?) and I can't get the same power with FabFilter?

Thank you.



I'm not familiar with that thing, but being a 3 band fixed eq at those frequencies I'm suspecting a much wider Q than 1. The hi/low is likely shelving. Try 0.5 or wider.

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