FabFilter User Forum

Good sound but too simple synth


I'm a sound quality freak and have to admit that the fabFilter does sound very good. However, the synth itself is much too limited. It's pretty sad to see such potential of sound in such a limited design :( . I really hope you make a polyphonic version with more filter types and much more routing flexibility and atleast 3 envelopes.

The sound is good, no doubt.



Hi bManic,

Thanks for your compliments! We have intentionally kept this first product quite simple to focus on the sound first. By reducing the number of options and controls, it's easier to understand what the synth is doing. This invites you to tweak and tune your sounds yourself rather than choosing from the factory presets. We want to compete on quality rather than on the number of features.

But, we will of course expand our range of products in the future with polyphonic synths with more possibilities. Stay tuned!

Frederik Slijkerman

Hello :)

I'll also voice an opinion about seeing a more feature-filled synth done with this quality.

Both the oscillator and filter sound simply amazing, I've just spent an hour listening to this and enjoying it totally.

I can't even imagine what an amazing contraption it would be to have a synth that had two or three oscillators, a multimode filter (or two, with selectable routing), oscillator sync and ring modulation and a couple of LFOs and envelopes bolted on for modulation purposes. And if it was polyphonic... the mere idea of this makes me salivate :)

Please, pretty please with sugar on top, consider a more feature-ladden version as soon as possible. You are right about us musicians wanting quality, but...

"FabFilter strongly believes that musicians do not need more knobs, faders or options on their synthesizer or effect plugins: they need better sound quality. That's why FabFilter creates simple but powerful plugins, with a user-friendly interface and superb sound quality, for a reasonable price."

Some of us do appreciate and need "more knobs, faders or options", something to go with the improved quality in sound you have just demonstrated. In its current form, the product has more novelty value and works as a convincing proof-of-concept but with the limited feature set it provides... oh, this sounds way more negative than intended, my apologies if it comes across sounding like that.

Once more, impressive sounding filter and and oscillator. Can't wait to see what else you'll come up with :)


Hi jmh!

Good to hear you like the sound. Thanks! We'll definately create (polyphonic) synths and other plugs in the future, with more features and options. For us, FabFilter One is the perfect synth to introduce ourselfs as a company; focussing on sound and filter quality first, features later. So yes, the One is a very simple synth, and we don't want to pretend it's more than that :-)

We will be announcing our plans about future FabFilter plugs on this website, so stay tuned! Thanks!

Floris Klinkert

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