FabFilter User Forum

How to side chain Pro-C in FL 9?

How do you set up a side chain with the Pro-C gain in FL? I'd like to link the Pro-C's gain with a function on another plugin. Thank you.


In FL Studio 9, you can use the VST 3 version of Pro-C to set up side-chaining. First, you need to make sure that the side-chain source channel is in the Mixer (by routing it to an insert). Say it is insert 1, and insert 2 contains the Pro-C instance (VST 3 version).

Select insert 1 in the mixer, and then right-click on the send icon for insert 2 in the mixer, and choose Sidechain to this track in the menu. Next, open Pro-C, click on the Wrapping settings icon in the top-left corner, go to Processing, and select '1' as the source for the Stereo Side Chain input. Click on the Wrapping settings icon again to go back to the Pro-C interface. Open the Expert panel and click 'Ext' to enable the external side chain here. Done!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Your directions seem solid. But for some reason I cannot select '1' for the Stereo Side Chain under connections in the Wrapper. The numbers wont budge?

After I successfully configure the Wrapper, how would one go about linking the Pro-C to another a knob/plugin ect?

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.


You need to first select channel 1 in the Mixer, and right-click on the small send effect button under the slider for the channel that Pro-C is on (channel 2 in the example) and select 'Side chain to this track'.

What do you mean with 'linking Pro-C to a knob/channel?'


Frederik (FabFilter)

I've followed the directions precisely (using FL 9), but the 'Ext' never becomes a selectable option...can't figure this out?


Sorted with SC...but not ducking at all. The only way I hear the SC channel is with
'Audition' option.


actually it work pretty good, but it just compressing the kick also

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