FabFilter User Forum

SideChain FabFilter Pro-C Cubase 5

Dear FabFilter,

As i work with Cubase I would like to use FabFilter Pro-C as a SideChain Compressor.

Somehow i could not get it done.

I followed these steps:

1. Create a Group Channel track with Quadro configuration (in the More... menu).
2. Open the VST Connections window. In the Group/FX tab, locate the group bus you just created and right-click it to create child buses for the Stereo and Stereo (Ls Rs) parts.
3. In the Mixer, insert FabFilter Pro-C (SC) in the group channel track.
4. You can now route the input audio signal track to the Stereo child bus. The side chain track must be routed to the Stereo (Ls Rs) child bus. (The routing settings are found at the top of each channel.)
5. Use Pro-C's Audition feature to confirm that everything is routed as you want it.

I route the kick to de stereo childbus and a synth to the stereo Ls Rs childbus, but still no sidechaining. However i could manage the sidechaining of the synth, but then the kick does not making a sound somehow.

Please help!


As you are a user of Cubase 5 - this version has a native support for sidechain effect. All you need to do - is to install VST3 version of Pro-C. And all the rest you may read from Cubase manual.
And you don't need to create quadro group channels - this configuration is a workaround only for earlier versions of Cubase.

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