FabFilter User Forum

FFTwin Logic 64Bit

I cannot get FFTwin to work with Logic 64bit using the 32 bit bridge.
Has anybody had any luck? Bugs can be:
triggering other instruments
random howling feedback.

But never actually works!

Has anybody had any luck, and can fabfilter provide any info on whether this is known and is being looked at?
Thank you,

Philip Reeder

Hi Philip

Thanks for reporting this! We are already aware of this problem, and I'm in contact with the Logic developers about this. We know that it's a bug in their 32 bit bridge, so for now, we cannot do anything about it...

For now, you can get Twin 2 to work by running Logic 9.2 in 32 bit mode; you can do that by opening the file properties tab on Logic Pro.app and unchecking the '64 bit' option.

We are working on native 64 bit versions of all our plug-ins and we hope to release them within a few months from now!


Floris (FabFilter)

I can confirm that Twin is NOT working at all in Logic 9 in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit bridge, EVEN with the latest 9.1.1 Update that came out yesterday, that fixed 32-bit bridge issues with a number of other synths (including BFD2).

Hope this gets resolved soon :(

Dave Gross

We can't force Apple to fix Logic 9... however we are working hard on native 64-bit plug-ins for Windows and Mac OS X.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks! Can't wait for the 64-bit versions to hit the streets!!!! Love my FabFilter stuff :D

Dave Gross
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