FabFilter User Forum

Thank you Fabfilter!

Just wanted to thank both Frederik, & Floris for all of your plugins :)

I own & constantly use Twin1+2, Timeless2, & Volcano2. What I love most about all your plugs is their ease of use. I find myself designing more sounds simply because the GUIs you've made are the best in any plug I've used (& I own alot!)

Obviously the drag n drop modulation is the best thing about the GUIs, but I also like the fact that I can turn on/off the interactive help tips - I usually have them off > I come to something I don't understand > turn it on > it's explained > turn it off again > pure genius!

Also, I recently upgraded to Twin2, after a long wait. When it was 1st released I looked at the feature list & didn't think it had that many improvements - How wrong I was! I love the fact that it has automatable unsion spread amount, I was really missing that in Twin1 & it sounds excellent in Twin2! There are just so many things I love about Twin2 > RM, Sine wave, The Filters, Ultra short delays, the filter routings, using step lfos that automatically snap to the keyboard notes!..It goes on & on!

Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that your hard work & dedication is very much appreciated, to wish you a happy new year, and that whenever I use your plugs I have a warm glowy feeling inside - Cheers!


Thanks for the compliments Moh! Much appreciated :-D


Floris (FabFilter)
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