FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C enters random automation into live 8?

as title suggest iv just started a project in ableton live 8.1 and every track Pro-C has been placed on is full of automation not entered by me? even the aux channels?

very very odd?


This is a problem that I am having as well, with the Pro-C (up to date) and the Simplon (up to date). So far none of the other plugs are having this problem. Another very serious associated problem is that upon exporting in Live 8.1.1, occasionally automation is completely bypassed upon hitting the final "OK" that initiates that actual export. It requires me to hit the "back to arrangement" button to re-automate. It is becoming so annoying that I don't want to use these plugins that I've grown so accustomed to since their respective releases dates.


We've experienced various problems lately with different versions of Live, and they all turned out to be bugs in Live, so I suspect this is another one. I wouldn't know how a plug-in could enter the amount of automation data you describe anyway, so it has to be a bug in Live. We'll investigate it and report it to Ableton.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Can you tell us if you're using Live on Windows or Mac, and if on Mac, with the AU or VST version of Pro-C?


Frederik (FabFilter)

It's Live 8.1.1, on Mac OS 10.5.8 using the AU version.

And I'm now experiencing the export automation bypass problem with Timeless 2 as well.


I've had similar problems automating Volcano 2 & Timeless 2 in the past. Usually bypass. Hate to say it but I gave up automating Fabfilter stuff in Ableton a long time ago. Ableton came out with a Quality statement recently, they're putting all their efforts into bug fixing so there is hope.

Brendan Titrud

We've been in contact with Ableton and they assured us they're working on fixes...


Frederik (FabFilter)

I shouldn't say I gave up on automating Fabfilter in Ableton, I just record the track with automation to an audio track before exporting the mix. I use Pro Q more than any other plugin actually. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Brendan Titrud
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