FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q Multi-band Automation

Hi guys,

I just wanted to make a suggestion for Pro-Q. I love how you can select multiple bands and drag them around, however, it would be could if you could automate that. I'm thinking creating custom groups for whichever bands the user wants, allowing for frequency, gain and Q adjustment all at once.

Another cool thing would be some saturation algorithms built in!


Hi aplats,

Dragging multiple bands can already be automated! Just enabled automation for a track in your host, press play, and drag the curves :-)

Note: there's a bug introduced in Logic 9.01 (confirmed by Apple), that causes automation for multiple parameters not to be 'closed' correctly. A workaround for this is: record your automation, then manually set the track's automation mode to 'Read' right away.


Floris (FabFilter)

That's definitely good to know! But what if you want to draw your automation out manually instead of being read? In Logic at least, you have one automation lane that you would have to switch between all the parameters.


That's definitely good to know! But what if you want to draw your automation out manually instead of being read? In Logic at least, you have one automation lane that you would have to switch between all the parameters.



I just wanted to bump this up since I think it would be an awesome addition! I use Pro-Q all the time, and would love to have automation groups for the bands (so I can make easier tweaks by mouse).



What I was thinking is something like in Volcano--where you can link bands together. It would be awesome if you could have multiple links (or groups of bands) and each link could be automated itself instead of just all of the separate bands.

That would also lead to awesome modulation capabilities in the future... but then it's probably stepping on Volcano's toes a little too much and getting a little wild for an eq. But it would definitely be good to have the automation of multiple bands simplified.


Note that, if you're working in Logic,
(1) you can open multiple automation lanes for a track, rather than seeing one at a time.
(2) you can draw automation for one parameter and then copy the same curve to other parameters


Thanks Paul.

I just figured it would be a better and smoother workflow. Pro-Q seems to be all about the great workflow.

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