FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 Nr of active XLFO automation?

In Twin 2/Cubase 5 I want to automate the activation of the XLFO 1.

So I added an automation track dedicated to the number of XLFO's, and draw value 1 at the desired time on the sequencer automation track.

This XLFO 1 modulates the filter frequencies, however, when I change the frequencies during the period of the track where there is no XLFO active, it still modulates the filter frequencies..

That was not according to the plan ;)

One can't automate the XLFO bypass buttons, so what options are there left for me(exept complicated bounce procedures, I like to keep things simple and live)?

Is this a bug? The XLFO's should be disabled when the number of active ones is automated at 0 right?

Fijn weekend, de Groet'n!

Grzt Joost


Can't you modulate the mod-amount in the respective slot (also named slot level)?



More precise: Set the mod-amount level to zero instead of bypassing the XLFO.


Figured it out, automated the step values.

Shame shame..


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