FabFilter User Forum

Volcano - midi learn not in Logic?

I have Volcano 2 inserted on an instrument track which already has a synth in it. I'd like to have Volcano filtering the pad that the synth is outputting but I cannot get the seemingly simple midi learn function to work at all. No matter which controller I try to assign to Volcano, I am not getting anything happening. What am I missing?

camillo jr

Midi learn does not work on AU's as inserts (true of all plugins, not just fabfilter), but there are two ways around this:

1. Use logics built in automation features to "midi learn" what parameters you want to control via what midi CC (see logic manual)

2. Load Volcano as a "midi controlled FX" on an INSTRUMENT slot (NOT and FX slot) and midi learn will now work. Then side chain the signal from your synth into the plugin.

I personally use a combination of both methods, as each has its advantages (method 1 lets you keep everything on one track, but takes time to setup in Logic; method 2 takes no time to setup, midi learn works, and you can still perform both at the same time via record enabling both tracks, however side chaining can sometimes cause complex routing if you are using more than just volcano & you have to create a 2nd track)

I must admit, I find myself using method 2 more often because its really easy to do. :)


I could only get this to work in Logic(v9) with 3 tracks, not 2, as you've mentioned.

1) The MIDI track (output set to Bus 1)
2) Inserted Effect (eg ProQ sidechained in the plugin to Bus 1), Output->Stereo Out
3) Bus 1 (no output)

I'd be really interested to learn how to cut that down to 2 tracks.


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