FabFilter User Forum

Volcano 2 - Link Dot Automation?

Hi Guys,

I am having difficulty automation the link button in volcano 2 I would like to do filter sweeps in automation but by controlling the link (figure 8 symbol) button this way I can control multiple filter slopes at a time, with one set of automation data. I can do this with Camel Phat by simply enabling Link mode and then automating either filter. Does volcano do this? I hope it does this simply otherwise I’ll be distraught, it’s the reason I bought the plug-in.

Mark Lee

Hi Mark,

You can certainly automate changes to the link dot, but this will report those changes to the host as changes to the linked parameters. So you don't get one set of automation data, but a set for each filter that has been linked. This is because we don't expose a direct "linked" set of parameters.

We've tested this in Cubase and Logic, and it works very well. Which host are you using?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thankyou for the prompt response.

I am using Logic. Do I need to use controller assignments to do this? I don't usually use controller knobs.

Mark Lee

Yeah, this is also what I was wondering about.

What I understand from it in short: no, you can't automate the link dot, but you can record the automation of the filter parameters caused by changing the link dot. So the link dot itself isn't an automation parameter, but one can record the filter parameter changes caused by moving the link dot.

Would be cool if the link/filter dots could be automatable in the automation parameter list of the host, or assign modulation to them within the fabfilter plugin's!


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