FabFilter User Forum

Automate multiple parameters in Logic WITHOUT having to use Volcano as an "midi -controlled FX?"

Hello everyone,

I've run into a problem and am wondering if you can help. I'm new to fabfilter but am LOVING the interface, and the ability to undo within the plugin itself is REVOLUTIONARY! Great work!!

I'm using the "Mid Magic" preset (two linked band-pass filters) on an instrument track in Logic Pro 8, and am looking to turn it into a midi CC controllable filter sweep via my X-Y pad (X controls the peak, Y controls the frequency). I know this is EXTREMELY easy to do with midi learn, but unfortunately in Logic, midi learn only works as an "midi-controlled FX" which basically means I'm now playing Volcano, and no longer playing my instrument! BUMMER!!

Logic DOES have its own "midi learn" type system where you wiggle what you want to control in the plugin, wiggle the midi CC you want to use, and they are linked! AWESOME!! However, I cannot link both filter 1 and 2's frequency to the same midi CC!!

So I'm wondering, is there anyway to control multiple parameters of Volcano WITHOUT having to use it as a midi-controlled FX? Is there perhaps a way I can create a knob in volcano and assign it to effect two separate parameters, and then just automate that single knob in logic?

Thanks in advance for your help and reply!


LOL! Right after posting this I figured it out! You CAN add two parameters to a single midi cc in Logic controller assignment window.

Hope this helps any Logic users out there have more fun with Volcano! Granted it would be MUCH easier if we could simply use Volcano's built in midi learn when the plugin is on an insert. Anyway you can get Apple to allow this in future AU updates? :-)


Well, it turns out this DOESNT work, as logic doesn't maintain the relationship between the two points (i.e. they become the same filter after automating)!! Boy, this would be SO much easier if I was simply able to control the link button itself!

Just to clarify, everything works fine if I use midi learn while volcano is acting as "an instrument" in Logic, but I was trying to avoid having to side chain, as I would like to perform both my instrument and filter sweeps at the same time!

I'm going to try "performing" the automation as an instrument via layers, for recording live, and then see if I can transfer that data to another volcano on the insert so I dont have to bus the signal just for automation. What a PITA!!


LOL! Sorry for all the posts.

It seems to be a problem with Fabfilter itself not maintaining the relationships between parameters! For example, I went into midi learn and assigned the link "peak" parameters to midi CC 20, and midi "frequency" parameters to midi CC 21. Now, if I play these controllers, at some point both filters will become the same (i,e, both will have the same peak and frequency)! However, if I simply drag the link button around, they never loose their relationships to eachother.

Is this a bug in volcano? I'm going to send a tech support email as well, summing up this 4 post thread into a single bug report. :-)


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