FabFilter User Forum

Volcano 2 window won't open in Live 8.0.4

Hi folks,

I've been demoing out a number of filter plugins to replace my analog filter that died recently. So far, Volcano 2 is way ahead of the competition.

My problem is that in Ableton Live 8.0.4, when I click on the button to open the plugin window, nothing happens. The plugin is working in the background (I can hear the default patch), but I can't actually get to the plugin window.

I know that this is likely an Ableton issue, but for some reason the problem only happens with Volcano 2. When I test in a new user account in Mac OS x or in Logic Pro, it works fine. This makes me think that this is perhaps a user or permission error.

The only other unusual thing I can think I did is to move the plugin from the /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ folder into the user ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/

I also repaired permissions and deleted/reinstalled Volcano 2 in the default folder with no success. I removed the Ableton preferences.cfg file and this fixed the issue for a short period of time today, however the problem is back.

Any ideas?




One more interesting note is that I fixed this again, temporarily, but installing your Timeless 2 plugin. Suddenly, everything worked fine. After restarting the computer, however, none of your demo plugins work.


Hi Daniel,

I think the best thing to do is to completely remove Volcano and Timeless from your computer, and then reinstall them in the default folders. Also, be sure to install them under the user account that you'll be using them from.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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