FabFilter User Forum
Is there any chance of this happening? It seems like an obvious move.
Chad — May 15, 2009
We're thinking of something like this, but as always we have limited resources...
Frederik (FabFilter) — May 15, 2009
OK, I didn't realize it would take any resources. I thought it would be free. But maybe that shows how little I know about web design / bandwidth, etc.
Thanks for responding.
- c
Chad — May 25, 2009
With resources, we meant 'time'. Especially our time is limited and we always have to make decisions on what we work on...
Cheers :-)
Floris (FabFilter) — May 26, 2009
Why not create a user patch-sharing forum? Seems like a good idea. People can upload and download their creations. Only good can come of it.
Any reason not to do this?
- c