FabFilter User Forum

Stereo Spread ctrl. with Pro-C

can anybody explain me, what i have to do to control only the stereo spread/with of a signal with Pro-C?

Is it possible to use Pro-c as a stereo expander/spread plugin?

Matti Ott

i try to increase or decrease the stereo width of a signal but iam not sure how to do it correctly.

Matti Ott

Not really easy to do.

Matthew lane m/s tools are a easyer way.

You could try it with Pro-c with a REALLY long attack and release time in pro mode and M/S mode.

Just hit m harder for wider and s for smaller.

Boy Griffioen

This is in fact quite easy. Just enable mid/side in the Expert section, set Output to OFF, and Dry Mix to 0 dB. This ensures no compression will take place at all. Now, you adjust the amount of Mid and Side with the pan ring around the Dry Mix knob!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Of course!! totally forgot about the dry wet



Boy Griffioen

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