FabFilter User Forum

microtuning in Twin2?

Does Twin 2 support microtuning in any way. By that I mean alternate scales, not just retuning of the oscillators or the main tuning.

If not, what please is the default value of the pitchbend - eg 1 or 2 semitones, and can this be changed.

thanks in advance


Hi Greg,

Twin doesn't support microtuning if I understand your description correctly.

Regarding pitch bend: the amount of pending is completely adjustable, and of course this depends on the preset.

To create pitch bend modulation, simply create a MIDI source with type Pitch Bend, then drag the source icon for it to the Master Tune knob. This creates a new slot with the level set at 50%, which corresponds to +/- one half note of modulation. If you move the level all the way up to 100%, you will get +/- one octave. Of course, everything in between is also possible!


Frederik (FabFilter)

thanks for the answer.

I for one would love microtuning support in any future releases.

If 50% is half a semitone, could you please tell me the percentages for 1 semitone and 2 semitones (defaults on most synths), so that I can use the pitchbend levels to appropriate some other scales than equal temprement (not an ideal solution, but this synth just sounds SOO good).

I assume it is a log scale, but my maths skills are not up to scratch.



"50%" just describes what you see graphically; the numerical calibration is linear, so it's easy.

At 50%, the numerical display reads 0.160, which is actually a few cents smaller than an ET major second (and significantly smaller than a 9/8 major second).

See this thread for more details on converting between the Fabfilter scale, the cents scale, and the most common integer ratios: www.fabfilter.com/topic.php?topic=816


Hi Greg,

I meant: the slot lever slider at the middle (default) position corresponds to +/- one semitone.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Frederic, if what PaulSC says is right - then the 50% or .160 level is more than one semitone, and .83 is more like one semitone.

Does this seem right, sorry to go on - but your two answers seem to contradict one another.

thanks for your time


This is the forum thread where nobody seems to say quite what they mean!

I'm pretty sure Floris meant to say "two semitones" rather than "one semitone".

I'm pretty sure Greg meant to say 0.083 rather than 0.83.

(I'm going to proofread this carefully before I click send!)


thank you - all clear now ;)

love your work


Glad it's sorted out now.

(I have to laugh that I was so determined to get everything right in my previous post, but I wrote "Floris" instead of "Frederik"!)


+1 for microtuning in Twin!

I've recently gotten into alternate tuning via .tun files, which work with a few soft synths (u-he's Zebra, Camel Audio's synths). Very powerful alternate colorations of sound, especially for the 12 tone-worn ear. I would LOVE to hear this from Twin 2 one day! Relevant links below.


Scala: alternate tuning-generation software

Scala archive of (thousands of) .tun files:

Adam Florin

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