FabFilter User Forum

Proposal for another Bank/Prg Number Scheme

First of all: Twin2 is great! Easy to create your own patches. Easy to learn from other people's patches. It's just "user-friendly"! (Not to mention sound and it easy on the CPU).

There is one thing giving me some headache and that's the preset MIDI bank/prgchg numbering scheme. The numbering now is pretty unpredictable if you add more and more of your own patches.

What about using the top level directory order as bank numbers and sorting the contained patches like now for the program number. So a user (me :-) )could create a set of top level directories like 00-Bank1, 01-Bank2 and use a similar file naming scheme in the directories (00-Patch0, 01-Patch1) and keep the numbering pretty stable.

One restriction would be that the number of programs in a directoy is restricted (to 128 if I remember correctly).

Cheers, Eric


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