FabFilter User Forum

Bug when copying instances of Q4 in Pro Tools?

Does any one else have this issue?

I set up an A/B in the plugin, and then option click and drag to another track within Pro Tools. The new copied version, and then instance I copied from will loose all settings within which ever A or B slot is not active, so:

EQ settings that are in both A, and B.
Make B visible.
Click+opt drag to copy of FFpq4 to new track
New track Q4 will have only the B settings.
Track with original instance will have only B settings.

Hoping this is a bug, cause this is a pain to think of what would locally be causing this for me

John Harry

Hi John,

This is not a bug. The plug-in only has one active setting, which is whichever setting you currently have selected. The other settings are simply in the buffer. If you copy a plug-in over, you will not copy this buffer, but it will only copy the settings you are currently using in the source instance. Pro-Q 4 has many, many parameters. If we'd need to save two states for each parameters this could easily increase the CPU drastically.

Ralph (FabFilter)

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