FabFilter User Forum
ProQ4 still strange behavior
After having lots of miniscule issues with a track i did a lot of trial and error, removing-adding, activating-deactivating plugins in order to trouble shoot.
Issue was that whenever the sound had a long fade out , after a point when it was very low volume the sounds would stutter and cut out abruptly. I almost went crazy. This happened with Pro Q3+Q4. Then i started replacing all instances with kirchhof and the issue disappeared.
This makes it hard for me to trust Pro Q at present.
I send a support request and hope to find out more
@Simjon sounds like your host is auto-gating the signal. Our plug-ins don't use auto-gating though.
@Patrick we did not hear any similar issues. Can you send us any steps or a session in which you have this issue?
I already reported ProQ4 being buggy, sometimes not reacting to the side chain input.
Meanwhile I changed my computer (from old Mac 5,1 to Mac mini M4), brand new Protools, everything new, also latest ProQ4 Version.
Still sometimes randomly, the side chain input has no effect (after it worked before closing a session)
That is weird, since it is hard to track a bug that only sometimes appears.
Today I had another issue, that I ha on the old computer, and I don´t understand how that comes.
Some tracks stop playing anything when there is a ProQ4 in the session. They only play again, when there is a plugin on the track. That is super weird. Also if I change the order of the tracks in the session, it is the tracks that take the exact same space as the faulty tracks before that don´t play back anymore.
And that problem is immediately gone when I remove the ProQ4 from the session. So I am pretty sure where it comes from.
Could that be some kind of communication between tracks based on the feature that you can access the EQ curves on all tracks with ProQ4 from one plugin?
That is honestly really annoying, since I don´t dare to use that plugin anymore in fear that suddenly I have a buggy session without noticing and rendering Mixes where something is missing or the side chain feature is not working anymore.
Not sure how I can usefully give you guys data to find out what's going on, since it happens randomly..
Any ideas? cheers!