FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter Pro-R2 ”ducking” not working when sidechaining in Fl Studio.

It works normally when routed directly to a mixer track as a “solo” signal, but when the signal is duplicated via sidechaining and the plugin is placed in the sidechain channel’s effects, everything else works normally except for the ducking, which doesn’t work.
I’m using mac.

And before someone asks, yes, I turned the mix to 100% and tried everything in the settings processing > connections.


Hi Carlos,

Could you make us a short video that illustrates the issue? Please send it to info@fabfilter.com and we'll take a look!

Maarten (FabFilter)

Hi Carlos,

Pro-R 2 is not set up to be used with external side-chain. The ducking only works on the normal input.

Ralph (FabFilter)

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