FabFilter User Forum

Twin2/Midi Patch Change/Logic7+8

I'm having no luck with midi patch changing on the fly with Twin2 in Logic7 with a Novation Remote61 keyboard.

I'm seeing the patch change info happening in Logic, the midi light is showing up on the GUI, and when I record the patch changes from the Nova onto a track and then play back the track the patches change as expected but not if I'm trying to change patches on the fly for the purpose of auditioning them without using the menu bar in Twin.

I suspect I also found this to be an issue with Twin1 but I rarely used it so it never bothered me.

Also, most of the patches I've listened to so far don't seem to respond to pedal sustain and I can't find where that might be enabled/disabled within Twin.

Fine sounding beastie, though. :)





I can't speak to the patch change issue, but can help with the sustain pedal issue.

The sustain pedal (CC64) is treated as any other MIDI source in that it can modulate all assignable modulation destinations and even other modulation slots! Not being preassigned to any function, it unfortunatly was overlooked by some of the programmers.

To add pedal function to a patch is painless: 1. Click on the "+" on the modulation bar. 2. Click "New MIDI Source" 3. Click on the down arrow to the right of the slot to the right of "Mod Wheel" and select "Controller" 4. Use the arrows in the middle slot until it reads "64" 5. Click on the yellow target and drag to a destination or select from the target menu.

For piano like sustain you should modulate "EG Main Release". For organ like sustain modulate "EG Main Hold". Or you could shorten the filter decay, raise the rez and cange the delay time!

The patches from DJM have modultion destinations assigned to the sustain pedal and might be a good starting spot for your own sounds. Just be sure to save the altered patch.


Hi Andy,

Thanks for the report, we're going to look into the MIDI patch changing in Logic issue.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks guys, and thanks Daniel for the explanation regarding sustain. You say it's easy but looking at all those words doesn't look easy. :) I'm sure once I've done it once it'll all become clear.

As for the synth, what a lovely sound. I wrote three new tunes last night, and that while I'm busy mixing a different tune altogether. Very inspiring. I have Alchemy and Omnisphere too and Twin easily holds its own, albeit differently.


Hi Guys,

I've tried this process with two other soft synths now with the same results so it clearly has nothing to do with Twin, you'll be pleased to know. :)

Still unresolved though so if you have any clues or pointers it'd be appreciated.




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