FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q3 scale is blocked on very small

I have a problem with Pro Q3. I must have done something wrong inadvertently and I can't solve the problem. The window scale is stuck on very small and the resize button at the bottom right of the window is very tiny. So when I want to click on it to reach the resize menu, instead of the normal cursor, the scale cursor of the window edges appears and I can't click to select a larger scale.
I'm working on a Mac Studio with Mac Os Sonoma. I erased the preference file and restarted the Mac but the problem is still here.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Bruno Arts

Can you see if entering this in terminal makes a difference:

defaults write com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.3 InterfaceLayout -int 3

Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi Ralph,
Thank you very much for your reply. I entered the line you gave me. I got a positive message from the terminal, but it didn't solve the problem.
If it can help, for more precision, I work with the VST3 version of Q-3 and my DAW is Reaper 7.27.
If necessary, I can send you a screenshot of the problem or other elements of my work setup that could help you to find the solution.
Thank you for your help.

Bruno Arts

Hi Ralph,
Sorry, it's me again! I have good news. I uninstalled the plugin and erased all files I found in the System folders of the Mac. Then, I restarted the Mac and reinstalled Q-3, and everything is back to normal :-).
Thank you very much again for your help.
Best regards,

Bruno Arts

Reinstalling should not be necessary. This is a bug. This is also broken on Timeless 3 on Mac. OS/Everything is up-to-date, using very latest Ableton Live.


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