FabFilter User Forum

Pro R2 channel name

Hi there,

I'm working with the fab filter Pro R2 plug-in in a multichannel environment (7.1 channel).
Unfortunately the channel names are confusing.
So, what is the meaning of LssR LsrR ?
First it would be great to have spaces between them like:
Ls sR Ls rR.
Then you have "Ls" twice. Which one is left surround and which one is left rear ??
It would be great to have it like: Ls Rs Lr Rr (Left surround, Right surround, Left rear, Right rear)




Hi Simon,

This is because the left and right of each location are seen as a couple. So LssR should be seen as LSS and RSS, and LsrR should be seen as L read and R rear. If we would have scramped all the individual names in the GUI is would become even more unreadable.

Ralph (FabFilter)

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