FabFilter User Forum

Feature Request: Volcano 3: Stereo Mode per filter or separate stereo input pan

Here's your man Dan Worrall talking about MS phase shifting in Volcano 3. He's demonstrating how to use your plugin to create MS phase shifting on a panned signal to give it 3D depth - using "only this plugin" (on a bus that receives the hard panned signal).


What would be great is if Volcano could pan the signal itself and then phase shift the mid channel. This would require stereo modes per filter (or a stereo pan on the input signal).

Currently when any filter is in MS mode, all the other filters move to that mode in pairs. Also currently the input pan turns into an MS control if any filters are in MS mode.

Having a separate mode for the input pan would do the trick and mean we can really shift the mid channel phase on a panned signal really all within "just this plugin".

Thanks for reading.


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