FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter love (and a small Pro C2 suggestion)

I wanted to say that I love FabFilter stuff, I really am!
gorgeous UI, proper UX, sounds great, one of the rare occasions I don't regret purchasing plugins.

a small suggestion for Pro C2, sometimes I use more then one instance of C2 on the same chain for different tasks, and sometimes I get confused which is which, but usually I have them set on different styles, so I thought maybe it would be nice if every style had it's own hue, doesn't have to be drastic but something easy to recognize, imo same thing can be added to Q3 which sometimes also gets two instances on the same track, so maybe a manual control for Q3 just to make a visual separation which is which.

Thank you FabFilter team, you are awesome!


Thank you! We're not such a fan of making changes to the general color scheme of our plug-ins, but we'll think of a way to visually separate instances.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you for your reply Frederik!
I'm sure that you will find a better way then my silly suggestion, it's just the first thing came to my mind when I kept messing up settings in the wrong instance haha, luckily there's undo! :D
Cheers and happy holidays!


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