FabFilter User Forum

Help With Boosting and Compressing - Q3

I use FabFilter Pro Q3 (equalizer) on a 2021 iPad.

GOAL: Even out audio of mixed levels (volumes). I want to boost the signal when it's quieter or lower level, and then lower the signal ONLY if it's above a certain threshold. I am trying to do this so a broad range of freq; like 200Hx to about say 18KHz.

A picture is definitely worth a thousand words: here's my Q3 screen


What I 'think' I did (I'm not a sound guy unfortunately)
(a) I put a single node in the EQ, and made a bell slope, very broad so it pretty much covers the entire frequency I want.
(b) I set the node at about +20db above zero - which should add or boost EVERYTHING (if left as is up to this point)
(c) I made the node dynamic ~here's where I loose my understanding~ so that when the level gets above a certain point (although I'm not sure what point) then Q3 will dynamically "compress" or "lower" the level

I really you can look at the pic, because I am not good at explaining this.

PLEASE ADVISE: How to do add boost to bring levels up when their too soft, but at the same time assure they don't rise above a certain DB level.

Thanks in Advance!!
Happy Thanksgiving

Brother AJ

I think it would be a lot easier to achieve this with Pro-MB as this offers much more control over the dynamics settings.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I am very confused - I was across the board for ALL FREQ between say 100 Hz and 20KHz - to boost the level of any frequencies or sound below a certain threshold, but also at the same time to compress ALL FREQ between say 100 Hz and 20KHz above a certain DB.

I do not know, ahead of time which frequencies will be too loud, or too soft.

PLEASE explain two things
(a) if the picture shows the correct use of FabFilter Q3 to tackle this problem
(b) why the multi-band compressor is better - when I have no idea ahead of time - which frequencies, at any point in time, need boosted or need compressed.

Thank you - and Awaiting Your Reply

Brother AJ

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