FabFilter User Forum

iPad Pro-Q 3 Crashes

I have just bought Fabfilter Pro-Q 3 for iPad and it crashes every time i try to load in Camelot Pro (AUv3). Standalone version works fine, instead. I’m on iOS 17.1.1. Any help can be appreciate!


I found the same issue with all the Fabfilter Pro bundle plugins except for PRO MB and PRO-R2. PRO Q3 PRO C2, PRO L2 and the rest crash in Camelot Pro.

I also tested with AUM as a host and there no problems arose.

I sent a support request to Audiomodeling regarding this issue. Could you please also report to Audiomodeling so they get that it's not an isolated issue?

Raúl Naranjo

Hi Vittorio, Raul,

I'm trying to reproduce this issue, but, being new to Camelot Pro, I can't figure out a way to add an audio track and put an effect like Pro-Q 3 on it. I can add effects to Layers, but I can only add audio files to the Backing Tracks, which don't allow effects. The master section doesn't seem to allow effects either.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Even without using an audio file, I can reproduce the crashes and am working on a fix.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik. To enable audio input just tap on the layer name, tipically "New Layer" and then there are three columns show in a Pop-Up screen: Midi Inputs, Audio Inputs and Audio Outputs. In Audio Inputs you can select what Input will be feeding this layer, or None (default).

The strange thing is that Pro-R2 which is the newest has no issues, but the older ones like PRO-Q3 or PRO-C2 do.

Raúl Naranjo

Hi Frederik,
Thanks for working on the fix! We all love Fabfilter plugin and we hope the problem will be quickly solved!



Hi Fredrick, any news on this bug fixing.


I still can't figure out how to route an audio file via a plug-in. The only way to load audio files is via "Backing tracks" and these are not shown as audio inputs for Layers.

Anyway, I managed to reproduce and fix all crashes. We'll coordinate the iOS update releases with updates on Mac/Windows, most likely later this month.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,
in Camelot you cannot route audio file via a plug-in. Plug-in are mostly used on Virtual Instruments or audio input source processing, like described by Raúl Naranjo in this thread.
Anyway, happy to know that all crashes are solved!
We will wait for the massive update!
Thanks a lot for support.


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