FabFilter User Forum
Pro-Q3, Pro-R & Pro-L2 makes Logic Pro crash/freeze upon cmd+s.
That is very odd! Can you send us a crash report via email to info@fabfilter.com? And does it also happen if you select File > Save from the menu?
hi there, the same thing is happening to me when I use Q3 on Mac M1 Sonoma 14.5, Logic 11.0.1. There is a lot of chat about it in other threads too. Any tips?
I’m having an issue with Q3 & MB in pro tools ultimate 2019.10.0, seems to have started (or noticed) when I recently added MB plugin to my system. Specifically on one session if I open up one of the plugins even when music isn’t playing it freezes up and crashes the session or even the computer has to be restarted. It seems the visualizer might be the issue cause at first when I quickly swapped between either separate MBs or Q3. I just decided to get rid of the problem Q3 on my track and replaced it, seems to work for now…?
Mac Pro 5,1
Mojave 10.14.6
Happens to me all the time. Since Logic put plugins in their own "external" place so Logic don't crash.. ProQ3 freezes my Logic instead, when saving, If ProQ3 is visually open. Super frustrating.
At this point with all the bugs in LPX, it's probably a Logic problem.
Pro-Q3, Pro-R & Pro-L2 makes Logic Pro crash/freeze when I save the project (cmd+s) right after adjusting parameters in every FabfFlter products I use daily in my projects. I'm working professionally as a composer / sound designer so this has forced me to use other plugins for now. The cmd+s shortcut happening automatic for me due to years of bad experience.
Apple M2 Max
Ventura 13.5.2