FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C2: Any reliable way to sweep through a wet/dry blend in a level matched way?

In Pro-C 2, I'm having trouble understanding the wet/dry and mix behavior.

Am I to understand that the "mix" control is just scaling the parameters when turned down (ie, 100% wet, just "less"), or is it a blend with the dry signal?

When using the wet and dry volume knobs, is there a reliable way to do a fairly level-matched sweep through wet and dry blends? Adding 'dry' inherently adds volume, and requires fiddling with both knobs to level match. I know you can use a modifier to inversely link the controls, but when starting with the dry all the way down, doing this changes the output level significantly, and still requires manual intervention.

Am I missing something obvious? Thanks!


Hi Matthew,

The mix slider in the output section indeed scales the compression between 0% and 200%. This does not blend the compressed signal with the uncompressed signal.

If you want a good starting point to blend your dry and wet signal, you could set both buttons to -6dB and use the Alt button adjust the levels between them.

Ralph (FabFilter)

I will try that!

Slightly unfortunate that you cant go from 100% wet directly to auditioning wet/dry blend without managing level changes, but the -6db setup is a suitable workaround.

Thanks Ralph!


100..200% on the mix slider can go into a negative compression curve (when the signal gets above the threshold, it is attenuated to the level lower then threshold).

+1 for implementing a single wet/dry knob with a makeup gain of the wet signal *before* it.


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