FabFilter User Forum

Repeatable Crash for All Plugs! Newest PT Studio and Fabfilter Release

Hey all! Currently unable to use Q3, MB, L2, De-Ess, and Pro-G without it crashing my Pro Tools session.

I've been able to repeat this scenario with the most recent release of PT Studio and the latest release of the Fabfilter plugs as well as the latest release of PT Studio and the previous versions of the Fabfilter plugs.

I've got a handful of crash logs I can send if any devs are interested.

I rely HEAVILY on your stuff so this has been pretty rough for workflow as of the past handful of days.

Love, Andy

Andy Miller

See below for my machine specs, OS version, and PT Version

macOS Monteray version 12.6.7
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)
2.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT 8 GB (External GPU)

PT Studio Version 2023.6.0

Andy Miller

Hi Andy,

When exactly are you experiencing these crashes?

One thing you can try is to disable graphics acceleration. Please see here:


Ralph (FabFilter)

And please send your crash logs to us via email!


Frederik (FabFilter)

I'll send over my crash logs shortly. I had been experiencing these crashes with basically every session I was creating from a template or opening a previous session that had previously functioned correctly.

2 days ago I uninstalled both the Avid HD driver and cloud services. I know Avid/PT had some issues with the HD driver, but I did not realize it was installed on my machine. Uninstalling both of these things seems to have stopped the problem for now, but I have only opened 2 sessions to date since the uninstall.

If I start to have crashes again I'll try the GPU acceleration disable command from terminal. I'm on a Mac.

Andy Miller

Had another crash after a new session that was filled with Fab plugs. Had been running well for about an hour with a number of instances, but tried to add an L2 to the master while audio was playing back and it crashed.

Just disabled GPU acceleration via terminal so I'll report back once I've had the chance to use it for a while.

Andy Miller

Now that I have GPU acceleration turned off, Fab plugs are basically unusable on my 4k monitor.

I have a 4k Samsung that I'm scaling via Mac OS Display preferences. I tested all scaled resolutions and they all exhibit the same issue. The UI for instance on the Pro-Q3 is glitchy, and the controls for latency, MIDI, Analyzer, etc at the bottom of the plug-in are not visible.

When I drag the plug-in to my 2nd monitor (Dell 1080 monitor, unscaled) I can see the bottom of the plug-in.

The only way they show back up on the 4k display is if I turn scaling off and set the monitor to its' native resolution within the Display preferences on my Mac.

I would normally say I can set the monitor to it's default resolution and not scale things, but the native resolution makes things so tiny they're unusable. For now I'll just have to drag on the Fab plugs to my 1080 monitor.

FYI, I took a quick video to show what's going on. Let me know if you'd like me to send it over.

Andy Miller

Hi Andy,

Seems like disabling graphics acceleration does more harm than good, so it seems better to enable it again. To re-enable it, change the value 0 to 1 in the terminal:

defaults write com.fabfilter.Common GraphicsAcceleration -int 1

It would be helpful to have a look at the crash reports, please send them to info@fabfilter.com.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Thanks Ralph. I sent my crash reports along this morning.

I've reinstalled the previous versions of all my Fab plug-ins and it seems to have stabilized everything for now.

I'd love to get an update whenever you discover what's going on.

Andy Miller

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