FabFilter User Forum

Pro-L is junk; today confirmed that

So I've owned the Pro-L 2 for a while and failed to see what the fuss is about due the the poor design that makes many of the settings counterintuitive; it's like a cult of knowledge looking into how the thing actually works. the manual is outright wrong... emailing support had them confirm to me that the manual is incorrect, then people on youtube dig deeper into even more about the manual that is unclear and doesn't make sense vs. how the thing actually works.

Well, that doesn't matter anymore... I don't think I'll ever use the thing again... here's why. I implore you to test this out yourself before filling this thread with your kibitzing.

A common trick which I learned somewhere along the way is to gain the kick into a limiter. Well, I'd only used the Ableton limiter until today. It's a cool trick... one of countless I'd heard that is actually something I use regularly. So today I figure, "I've spent $160 on the Pro-L, why don't I try gaining a kick into it?"

Long story short... NOTHING, no setting, no style, no NOTHING would work with creating HORRIBLE distortion of the kick. Without EVEN gaining at all the limiter couldn't do anything but distort the kick -- I flipped through the various styles, all terrible. Mind you I'm only getting about 2 db of gain reduction.

If the Pro-L is doing this to a kick in isolation what horrors is it doing the the track as a whole even if you may not notice it at first????

Again... no setting cleanly was able to limit the kick... NOTHING I tried.

the Ableton limiter on the other hand... you can push 7-10 db of gain into the limiter and not get the kind of ugly crackling distortion the pro-l gives you just from being turned on.

I want my money back... I can never trust this thing again!!!!! How is anyone using this thing at all???? It literally cannot be trusted.

matt hoefler

NOTHING would work without creating HORRIBLE distortion of the kick.

Figures the idiots who made the pro-l 2 also don't realize their forums should have an edit button.

While I'm complaining, why the **** does the pro-C have autogain on by default?????? Every time you use it to sidechain you HAVE to remember to turn autogain off of your mix is ****ed.... annoying, easier to simply use Ableton's compressor yet again.

matt hoefler

sorry dude but if you are not aware of what demo is then I suggest you to go and check what demo means on google because Fabfilter as a brand allows you to try their plugins for 30 days!!! Coming and comparing one of the shittiest plugin of Ableton called "Limiter" against Pro-L, believe me people will laugh at you! go and cry on another forum so maybe you can sell your license there. You brought enough toxicity and disrespectfullness...


douchebag... I bought it as a pack with other plugins.

Second, do what I described for yourself... the ableton limiter is unequivocally better... I don't blame you for your ignorance... I didn't know that until yesterday myself. But also, the fact that you can't form a coherent sentence makes it clear you are in no position to even be posting on my thread, so save it mental cripple. But the secret is out, the limiter is trash and you are using it at your own peril.

matt hoefler

"why the **** does the pro-C have autogain on by default??????"

You can save your favorite setting as default setting. Read the user manual first and then complain.


Ok Matt, let's assume you're correct and I am a brain dead idiot with no comprehension of how a limiter works, be it from Ableton, Waves LL-L2 or FabFilter.

My question was answered, but I was asking it backwards and now I don't have to pursue it any farther... ffprol2 doesn't move the wall, it moves the signal hitting the stationary wall closer to the wall and that can be a bit confusing, but I've worked in controls since 1988 and it really doesn't matter if I move a room temperature setpoint down or bias the room temperature up to meet it as long as the adjustment is by the same amount.

You're obviously intelligent bordering on proud, but I'm ok with that and you may call me what you desire.

Obviously you're upset with ffprol2, but you bought it in a bundle. I'm getting another computer in a few months and my bass player who barely navigates an android phone (but plays awesome base and drums) will be keeping my Win11 laptop at his house. I will set it up for him and coach him as needed.

You previously stated you want to sell your ffprol2, so inquire if it can be split from your bundle; if so offer me a reasonable price respecting the transfer fee and I'll buy it from you.

It's working great for me on many levels, but hey I'm an idiot. What could I possibly know?

But if it is transferable and acceptable to all parties concerned (you, FabFilter and myself), I can make you less disappointed and perhaps save a couple dollars I'll have to spend anyway.


hi Shall,

it's not possible to transfer individual plug-ins from within a bundle. Only the complete bundle can be transferred.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Thank you Ralph.

My initial response was blocked by a 403 form error. This is my second try.

James (Shall) Hall

I knew that this level of ineptitude at both tool and language use was familiar from somewhere



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