FabFilter User Forum

Request for Preview feature to mirror the solo band for Pro-Q instance that is being compared

Hi, I was wondering whether there are any VST3 features planned that allow for more interaction between 2 instances of Pro-Q that are compared against?

The main thing I just stumbled upon is that 2 kick layers I was putting on top of each other would sound very clicky when played together, however it was only audible with both playing together.

I was looking to solo the frequency band of the entire signal with the headphone icon while comparing the analysers, however felt I wasn't able to hear it as easily as the other was still playing full spectrum (as expected).

Would it be possible to add a feature that would temporarily filter the audio in the instance, that is currently being compared against?

This would still only work for 2 instances, however it would allow locating issues at specific frequencies very quickly without making any permanent alterations in the other Pro-Q instance.

This could still be taken a step further, for example by allowing one instance to make an edit to both that are compared against each other, for example doing opposing edits, boosting in one, cutting at the other, or doing the same edit in both, which are then translated to a node in the other instance of Pro-Q.

This doesn't have to be full-blown one instance controls them all style workflow, however just being able to do things 2 two at the same time temporarily while comparing them in the analyser would be a really useful addition to the existing workflow imo.

Overall, just being to solo in 2 instances for locating a clash would be killer.

Let me know your thoughts!


Hi Robiaster,

Thank you for your feedback. We definitely hope to expand on the functionality of multiple instance control. However, we're not there yet. That being said, we did integrate a feature in Pro-Q 3 that allows you to easily see what's going on in another instance of Pro-Q 3. Please allow me to refer to the analyzer section of our reference manual;


Please let us know if that makes your job a bit easier for now. :-)

Maarten (FabFilter)

Allowing the Solo feature to just be left on would be a game changer. However you all do the splits during the Solo on sounds really clean, and this would be a quick way to makes some cool filters.

If there's a way to do this by hand and the features are already in place to make this happen, please let me know!

Matthew Jaggers

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