FabFilter User Forum

Twin3 how to sweep Cutoff while playing

Hi everyone

I am trying to get along with Twin3 as it gives interface Scaling over Twin 2

But it seems there is no way in the GUI to sweep through filter cutoff or resonance with one hand.

What am i missing here.
I also tried using my Novation Mk2s endless decoders relative mode, but it seems Twin 3 has no support for those?

So how do people finetune and find sweet spots with Twin3.
Am i left to recording a sequence and looping, then using two hands to adjust a single paramenter?

Tilo Renner

Don't quite understand.

You can just click-drag on the filter dot in the filter display, left-right adjusts cutoff, up/down adjusts resonance. (You can even click-drag-select, or shift-click-select multiple filters dot's and adjust them all at the same time by draggin one).

If you want to control two other parameters simultaneousky with just mouse/trackpad, you can set up a XY-pad as modulation, and sweep that.

Patrik Rydberg

Well afaik to only adjust cutoff or resonance i need to clickdrag + alt key on keyboard leaving no hand free to play notes.

Only using clickdrag works mostly but at some point drifts in the other axis to also adjust resonance when i only want to change cutoff or vice versa.

Tilo Renner

If you absolutely only want to adjust cutoff without altering resonance, you can either instead tweak the global-cutoff-knob to the right, or assign a slider in modulators to cutoff and tweak that. (Or map it to a midi controller that sends standard CC-messages.)

Patrik Rydberg

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